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Our Services

Integrated Subsurface Services

We provide extensive studies which include the review of the geophysical interpretation, geological model, and the building of both a simulation reservoir model and a surface model.

Oil and Gas Training

Danvic provides comprehensive oil and gas training around the world. Choose from expert-led short courses, Public classes, overseas training, online training, customized/in-house options, and more.

Danvic Petroleum Geoscience School

Currently, Danvic Petroleum runs a six-month Petroleum Geoscience School in Lagos, Nigeria. The school is designed for graduates and young professionals of geoscience and Petroleum Engineering background.

Recruitment / Manpower Outsourcing Services

In view of the oil & gas Industry’s growing need for the deployment of staff; Danvic Petroleum International provides qualified human resources to work at our clients’ premises.

Safety Training

Danvic offers safety training courses such as WSO courses, NAFFCO Fire Safety Training, Level (1-3) Courses such as Manual Handling, HACCP, Work at Height, Confined Space, Lifting Operations etc and a lot more available on request.

Danvic Safety Solutions

Danvic Safety Solutions International is a division of Danvic Group, a Nigerian-owned safety equipment supply company, a one-stop resource for premium head-to-toe solutions and services.